Dissertations by year, 1960-1969


Cook, Warren Lawrence,

Spain in the Pacific Northwest, 1774-1795

Galambos, III, Louis Paul

Cooperation and Competition: A History of Regional and National Trade Associations in the Cotton Textile Industry, 1900-1932

Gardinier, David Elmer

French Policy in the Cameroons, 1945-1959

Headley, John Miles

Luther’s View of Church History

Hess, Robert Lee

Italian Colonial Policy in Somalia, 1889-1936

Kinloch, Hector Gilchrist Lusk MacTaggart

Anglican Clergy in Connecticut, 1701-1785

Marshall, Peter Donald

Imperial Regulation of American Indian Affairs, 1763-1774

Oakley, Francis Christopher

The Political Thought of Perre D’Ailly

Patterson, Jr., Robert Leyburne

The Crisis of the Unreformed Church of England, 1828-1833

Tignor, Robert Lee

Public Health Administration in Egypt Under British Rule, 1882-1914

Unfug, Douglas Adolph

German Policy in the Baltic States, 1918-1919

Zayid, Mahmud Yusuf

The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936: An Historical Study of Politics and International Diplomacy


Campbell, John Pollock

Republican Leadership and International Arbitration, 1910-1913

DePillis, Mario Stephen

The Development of Mormon Communitarianism, 1826-1846

Eldot, Paula

Alfred Emanuel Smith, Reforming Governor

Middlekauff, Robert Lawrence

Ancients and Axioms: A History of Secondary Education in Eighteenth Century New England

Schlesinger, Mildred Saks

The French Radical Party: Its Organization and Parliamentary Politics, 1914-1932

Smith, G. Gaddis

Nation and Empire: Canadian Diplomacy During the First World War

Temperly, Howard Reed

The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1839-1868

Wickwire, Franklin Bacon

Minor Men and Major Policy: A Study of the Influence of the British Deparmental Secretaries on Government Policy Toward America, 1763-1783

Wilensky, Norman Marvin

The Republican Old Guard During Insugency: 1908-1912 Administration


Chrisman, Miriam Usher

Church and City in Strassbourg, 1480-1548: A Study of the Stages of the Reformation

Cohen, Sidney Leon

Viking Fortresses of the Trelleborg Type

Gagliardo, John Garver

Agrarian Reform and the Peasant in German Historical and Political Literature, 1775-1840

Jordan, Jr., Philip Harding

Connecticut Politics During the Revolution and Confederation, 1776-1789

Schmokel, Wolfe William

Colonial Agitation in Germany, 1919-1945


Asada, Sadao

Japan and the United States, 1915-25

Bloom, Jeanne Gould

Sire Edmund Andros: A Study in Seventeenth Century Colonial

Borg, Daniel Raymond

The Politics of the Prussian Church, 1917-1927: A Study of the Political Thought and Action of German Protestants in the Weimar Republic

Flammer, Philip Meynard

Primus Inter Pares: A History of the Lafayette Escadrille

Fowler, David H.

Northern Attitudes Towards Interracial Marriage: A Study of Legislation and Public Opinion in the Middle Atlantic States and the States of the Old Northwest

Gitman, Joseph

The Jews and the Jewish Problem in the Polish Parliament, 1919-1939

Griffin, Jr., Martin Ignatius Joseph

Latitudinarianism in the Seventeenth-Century Church of England

Hayes, Bascom Barry

The German Reich and the “Austrain Question,’ 1871-1914

Henry, Seldon

Radical Republican Policy toward the Negro During Reconstruction (1862-1870)

Howe, Jr., John Ruskin

The Search for Stability: A Study of the Social Thought of John Adams

Larew, Karl Garret

The Politics of the Western Powers Towards the Problem of the Turkish Straits 1914-1923

Russet, Cynthia Eagle

Equilibrium in American Social Thought

Silverman, Dan Paul

German Policy in Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1885

Strove, Walter Christopher

Elite Versus Democracy:  The Conflict of Elite Theories with the Ideals of Political Democracy in Germany, 1918-1933

Walton, Robert Cutler

Zwingli’s Theocracy

Wickwire, Mary Botts

Lord Sandwich and the King’s Ships: British Naval Administration, 1771-1782


Bonadio, Felice Anthony

Ohio Politics During Reconstruction, 1865-1868

Fry, Nenah Elinor

Integral Socialism and the Third Republic, 1883 to 1914

Gifford, Prosser

The Framework for a Nation:  An Economic and Social History of Northern Rhodesia from 1914 to 1939

Hafter, Daryl Maslov

Critics of Mercantilism in France, 1751-1789:  The Industrial Reformers

Hutson, James Howard

John Adams and the Diplomacy of the American Revolution

Kendall, Richard Herman

Edwin M. Borchard and the Defense Traditional American Neutrality, 1931-1941

Knight, Isabel Francis

Condillac:  A Study in the Geometric Spirit of the French Enlightenment

Knoll, Arthur Joseph

Togo Under German Administration, 1884-1910

McCreary, Eugene Charles

Essen 1860-1914:  A Case Study in the Impact of Industrialization on German Community Life


Reed, Nathaniel

The Role of the Connecticut State Government in the Development and Operation of Inland Transportation Facilities from 1784 to 1821

Rizopoulos, Nichols Xenophon

Greece at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919

Schimmel, Barbara Barlin

The Judicial Policy of Mr. Justice McReynolds

Skolnik, Richard Stephen

The Crystallization of Reform in New York City, 1890-1917

Spalding, Robert Varnum

The Boston Mercantile Community and Promotion of the Textile Industry in New England, 1813-1860

Willey, Thomas Edmund

Back to Kant: The Revival of Kantian Idealism in Germany, 1870-1914


Browning, Reed St. Clair

The Duke of Newcastle and the King of the Romans Election Plan, 1749-1754

Colish, Marcia L.

The Mirror of Language:  A Study in the Medieval Theory of Knowledge

Cox, Marvin Rountree

The Legitimists Under the Second French Republic

Evans, Geraint Nantglyn Davies

North American Soldier, Hydrographer, Governor: The Public Careers of J. F. W. DesBarres, 1721-1824

Gilsdorf, Aletha Joy Bourne

The Puritan Apocalypse:  New England Eschatology in the Seventeenth Century

Guarnashelli, John Stephen

Erasmus’ Concept of the Church, 1499-1524: An Essay Concerning the Ecclesiological Conflict of the Reformation

Lamberti, Marjorie Elizabeth

The Rise of the Prussian Conservative Party, 1840-1858

Lebovics, Herman

A Socialism for the German Middle Classes: The Social Conservative Response to Industrialism, 1900-1933

Munro, John Henry Alexander

Wool, Cloth, and Gold:  Bullionism in Anglo-Burgundian Commercial Relations, 1384-1478

Painter, Jr., Borden W.

The Anglican Vestry in Colonial America

Selinger, Suzanne Therese

Winckelmann, Moser, and Savigny:  A Study in the Development of German Historicism

Smith, Don A.

Cabinet and Constitution in the Age of Peel and Palmerston

Spear, Allan Henry

Black Chicago, 1900-1920:  The Making of a Negro Ghetto

Spence, Jonathan Dermot

Ts’ao Yin and the Chinese Bondservants:  Imperial Bureaucracy in the Early Ch’ing Period

Springer, William Henry

The Military Apprenticeship of Arthur Wellesley in India, 1797-1805

Stehlin, Stewart Alan

Bismarck and the Guelph Problem, 1866-1890

Stock, Rhyllis Hartman

New Quarrel of Ancients and Moderns:  The French University and its Opponents, 1899-1914

Vann, III, John Daniel

A Study of the Seigneurial Transactions and Possessions of the Temple in France (1120-1307)

Wall, Jr., Robert Emmett

Membership of the Massachusetts General Court, 1634-1686

Weikel, Ann

Crown and Council:  A Study of Mary Tudor and her Privy Council


Alexander-Williams, John

Davis and Elkins of West Virginia: Businessmen in Politics

Berkman, Joyce Avrech

Pacifism in England:  1914-1939

Brazill, Jr., William

The Young Hegelians

Foster, Stephen

The Puritan Social Ethic:  Class and Calling in the First Hundred Years of Settlement in New England

Fowler, Wilton Bonham

Sir William Wiseman and the Anglo-American War Partnership, 1917-1918

Gould, Lewis L.

Willis Van Devanter in Wyoming Politics, 1884-1897

Hackney, Sheldon

From Populism to Progressivism in Alabama, 1890-1910

Johnston, Robert Harold

Continuity versus Revolution: The Russian Provisional Government and The Balkans, March-November, 1917

Jordan, David P.

Enlightenment and Erudition in Gibbon’s Decline and Fall

Murrin, John M.

Anglicizing an American Colony:  The Transformation of Provincial Massachusetts

Russo, David J.

The Southern Republicans and American Political Nationalism, 1815-1825

Stricklen, Jr., Charles Gilmer

The Emergence of Modern Liberal Constitutionalism in France, 1770-1789

Warden, Gerard Bryce

Boston Politics, 1692-1765

Wolfe, William Willard

From Radicalism to Socialism:  Men and Ideas in the Formation of English Socialist Theories, 1881-1889

Zaring, Philip Brewer

In Defense of the Past:  The House of Lords, 1860-1886

Zemsky, Robert

The Massachusetts Assembly:  1730-1755


Campbell, Gregory F.

Czechoslovak-German Relations During the Weimar Republic 1918-1933

Connors, James Joseph

Poets and Politics:  A Study of the Careers of C. Day Lewis, Stephen Spender and W.H. Auden in the 1930s

Eisenstein, Hester

Victor Cousin and the War on the University of France

Geerken, John Henry

Heroic Virtue:  An Introduction to the Origins and Nature of a Study of the Renaissance Concept

Gilcreast, Everett Arthur

Richard Henry Pratt and American Indian Policy, 1877-1906: A Study of the Assimilation Movement

Goheen, Robert Benjamin

The Function of the Peers in Early Tudor Governance

Gottfried, Paul

Catholic Romanticism in Munich, 1826-1834

Holt, Niles R.

The Social and Political Ideas of the German Monist Movement, 1871-1914

Jones, Alfred H.

Roosevelt and Lincoln:  The Political Uses of a Literary Image

McClelland, III, Charles E.

The German Historians and England:  A Study of Nineteenth Century Views

Myers, Duane Paul

Germany and the Question of Austrian Anschluss, 1918-1922

Riggs, A. R.

Arthur Lee and the Radical Whigs, 1768-1776

Selden, Mark

Yenan Communism:  Revolution in the Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia Border Region, 1927-1945

Spector, Ronald H.

Professors of War:  The Naval War College and the Modern American Navy

Speidel, William Miller

Liu Ming-ch’uan in Taiwan, 1884-1891

Wood, Donald Kellogg

Men Against Time:  Studies in the Transcendence and Abolition of Time in Twentieth-century European Thought


Atherton, Herbert M.

Political Prints in the Age of Walpole, the Pelhams, and Bute: A Study of the Ideographic Representation of Politics

Breen, T. H.

The Character of the Good Ruler:  A Study of Puritan Political Ideas in New England, 1630-1730

Crofts, Daniel W.

The Blair Bill and the Elections Bill:  The Congressional Aftermath to Reconstruction

Fink, Carole Kapiloff

The Weimar Republic as the Defender of Minorities, 1919-1933: A Study of German’s Minorities Diplomacy and the League of Nations System for the International Protection of Minorities

Grobovsky, Antony N.

The “Chosen Council” of Ivan IV:  A Reinterpretation

Haydon, Anthony P.

Sir Matthew Nathan:  British Colonial Governor, 1899-1910

Kennedy, John Michael

Philanthropy and Science in New York City:  The American Museum of Natural History 1868-1968

Millinger, James Ferguson

Ch’i Chi-Kuang, Chinese Military Official:  A Study of Civil-Military Roles and Relations in the Career of a Sixteenth Century Warrior, Reformer, and Hero

Moore, Robert Lawrence

European Socialists and the American Promised Land, 1880-1917

Parrish, Michael E.

Securities Regulation and the New Deal

Ransel, David L.

Nikita Panin’s Role in Russian Court Politics of the Seventeen Sixties: A Critique of the Gentry Opposition Thesis

Williams, R. Hal

Politics and Reform:The California Democrats in the Cleveland Years


Axeen, David

Romantics and Civilizers: American Attitudes Toward War, 1898-1902

Bode, Frederick A.

Southern White Protestantism and the Crisis of the New South, North Carolina, 1894-1903

Bolitho, Harold

The Fudai Daimyo in the Tokugawa Settlement

Davids, Diana Irene

The Public Career of George William Frederick Howard, Seventh Earl of Carlisle, 1826-1615

Durham, Robert Jay

In Search of the Council, 1585-1615

Ellis, III, Joseph J.

The Puritan Mind in Transition: The American Samuel Johnson (1696-1772)

Fogarty, Gerald P.

Denis J. O’Connell: Americanist Agent to the Vatican, 1885-1903

Gould, John Wells

Italy and the United States, 1914-1918: Background to Confrontation

Hauser, William B.

Economic Institutional Change in Tokugawa Japan: The Osaka Cotton Trade

Knox, Thomas Richard

Edmund Burke: Natural Law and History

Levine, Herbert S.

The Nazis in Danzig, 1925-1945

Levy, Richard S.

Anti-Semitic Political Parties in the German Empire

Malament, Barbara C.

British Politics and the Crisis of 1931

Oxnam, Robert B.

Policies and Factionalism in the Oboi Regency, 1661-1669

Sider, Ronald J.

The Life and though of Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt Through 1524

Swartz, Marvin

The Union of the Democratic Control in British Politics during World War I

Wickstrom, John Byrne

The King’s Chamber Ranks in Politics and Government: 1437-1485