Message from the DUS, September 2nd

September 2, 2014
Dear all–
An update from the History DUS:
1.Office hours. My office hours this week will be Thurs 1-3 and Friday 3-5 in HGS 238.

My office hours for next week will be: Monday 11-1, Tuesday 1-3, Wednesday 2-4 in HGS 238.

My regular office hours for the rest of the semester will be Fridays, 3-5, in HGS 238.
2. Seminar enrollment: If you have not yet been admitted to a seminar during shopping period, please consider one of the following LAAA and/or Pre-Industrial seminars, which appear to have at least a few spaces available:
HIST 347J: From the Great Game to the Great Satan: Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia in the Age of Empires, Abbas Amanat, M 3:30-5:20
HIST 371J: The Inquisitions of Early Modern Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, Stuart Schwarz, Th 1:30-3:20 (Pre-Ind)
HIST 377J, Freedom and Abolition in Latin America, Marcela Echeverri, W 9:25-11:15 (Pre-Ind)
HIST 388J, Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa, Robert Harms, W 1:30-3:20 (Pre-Ind)
HIST 126J, Politics and Capitalism in the Early U.S., Michael Blaakman, M 1:30-3:20 (Pre-Ind)
HIST 232J, Medieval Jews, Muslims and Christians in Conversation, Ivan Marcus, Ivan Marcus, T 1:30-3:20 (Pre-Ind)
Best of luck in wrapping up shopping period.
Beverly Gage
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies