August 21, 2014
Dear History Majors–
Welcome back! A few additional updates from the History DUS:
Informational meeting: The History Department will be holding an informational meeting for current and prospective History majors this Thursday, August 28, at 6:30 p.m. in 211 HGS. We will discuss course schedules and curriculum, History undergraduate activities, publication and employment opportunities, library services, planning for the senior essay, and more. Please encourage interested freshmen and sophomores to attend as well.
DUS office hours: My office hours this coming week will be Monday, August 25, 3-5 p.m., and Thursday, August 28, 3-6 p.m., in HGS 238. Note that the DUS office has moved from last year.
New courses: Several new History courses have been added to OCI in just the last few days:
HIST 241, European Political Thought from Machiavelli to Marx
Isaac Nakhimovsky, TTh 11:35-12:25
HIST 252, Political History of European Jewry
David Sorkin, MW 1:30-2:20
HIST 219J, Crime, Violence, and Order in the Atlantic World
Matthew Lockwood, M 2:30-4:20
HIST 371J, The Inquisitions of Early Modern Spain, Portugal, & Latin America
Stuart Schwartz, Th 1:30-3:20
HIST 405J, The Emergence of the Nation-State
Ariel Ron, Th 9:25-11:15
HIST 406J, Asylum & Refugees in History & Law
Hans Leaman, Th 2:30-4:20
Seminar enrollment. If you have pre-registered for a seminar, be sure to show up on the first day of class in order reserve your slot. Also: Keep in mind that you do not need to be pre-registered in order to enroll in a seminar. Most History seminars have at least a few spaces open at the moment, and several have many open spaces.
Have fun shopping around!
Beverly Gage
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies