June 1, 2023
- John Addison Porter Prize – Zaib un Nisa Aziz (joint winner)
Nations Ascendant: The Global Campaign Against Imperialism and the Making of Our World, directed by Rohit De - Frederick W. Beinecke Prize – Monique Ulysses
Categorizing Mexican Migrant Race and Citizenship in the United States, 1910s-1930s, directed by Stephen Pitti and Alicia Schmidt Camacho - Sylvia Arden Boone Prize – Marius Kothor (awarded by History of Art)
Securing Ablode Blibo: Togolese Women Merchants and the Transnational Politics of Decolonization, 1915-1994, Directed by Daniel Magaziner and Robert Harms - George Washington Egelston Prize – Lindsay Zafir
State of Denial: AIDS Denialism, Treatment Activism, and the Fight Over Antiretrovirals, directed by Joanna Meyerowitz - Hans Gatzke Prize – Sarah Pickman
The Right Stuff: Material Culture, Comfort, and the Making of Explorers, 1820-1940, directed by Joanna Radin - Hans Gatzke Prize – Simon Torracinta
Economy of Desire: The Sciences of Human Wants, 1870–1950, directed by Joanna Radin - Edwin W. Small Prize – Micah Khater
“Unable to Find Any Trace of Her”: Black Women, Genealogies of Escape, and Alabama Prisons, 1920 – 1950, directed by Crystal Feimster - Edwin W. Small Prize – Megann Licskai
Pro-Life Science: the Production and Circulation of Reproductive Knowledge in North American Anti-Abortion Movements, 1968-2003, directed by Naomi Rogers - Arthur and Mary Wright Prize – Zaib un Nisa Aziz
Nations Ascendant: The Global Campaign Against Imperialism and the Making of Our World, directed by Rohit De - Arthur and Mary Wright Prize – Henry Clements
The Syriac Christians of the Late Ottoman Empire: Secularism, History, and the Struggle for Millet Recognition, directed by Alan Mikhail