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Senior Essay Research Funding Application

The History Department and History of Science and Medicine program invite senior essay writers to apply for funding for research expenses. For 2024-2025, the award may be used for research travel that is consistent with Yale’s Travel Policy. Funding may also cover the cost of books, photocopying, scanning, copyright and similar fees. We do not cover the purchase of course textbooks or any material that you are able to access through the Yale Libraries. *Before applying for this research fund, you must apply to your College Mellon Fund.
All application materials must be submitted via the form below by October 4, 2024. Awards will be announced in early November. If your application for funding is approved the award will be made by electronic payments directly to your US bank account through Zelle, which is the preferred payment type when disbursing awards to university students.  Further instructions will be communicated to award recipients.
Please note, if your application includes travel costs, you must provide a boarding pass or train ticket to your department Registrar for proof of travel.