May 26, 2020
Many of our outstanding, graduating History graduate students were awarded Yale and department prizes this academic year. See below for a list of prizes, awards, and acknowledgments. Congratulations to all of our exceptional students!
Camille Cole
Empire on Edge: Land, Law, and Capital in Gilded Age Basra
Directed by Alan Mikhail
Arthur and Mary Wright Prize
Kevin Feeney
Roman Imperial Accession from Maximinus Thrax to Justinian (235-527 CE)
Directed by Noel Lenski
Hans Gatzke Prize
John Addison Porter Prize
Choon Hwee Koh
The Sublime Post: A History of Empire and Power through the Ottoman Post Station System, 1600-1839
Directed by Alan Mikhail
Hans Gatzke Prize
Keri Lambert
Elastic Allegiances: Rubber, Development, and the Production of Sovereignties in Ghana, 1880-2017
Directed by Robert Harms
Arthur and Mary Wright Prize
Caroline Lieffers
Imperial Ableism: Disability and American Expansion, c.1850-1930
Directed by John Harley Warner
Frederick W. Beinecke Prize
Nichole Nelson
A Movement Divided: How the Fair Housing Movement Succumbed to White Supremacy, 1950-2010
Directed by Glenda Gilmore
Public Scholar Award
AFAM House Award for Outstanding Graduate/Professional School
The Afro-American Cultural Center’s Outstanding Graduate Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, Service & Advocacy
Student and Flagbearer
Justin Randolph
Civil Rights Arrested: Black Freedom Movements and Mass Incarceration in Rural Mississippi, 1938 to 1980
Directed by Glenda Gilmore and Beverly Gage
George Washington Egelston Prize
The Gilbert C. Fite Dissertation Award from Agricultural History Society
Michael Rom
Brazilian Belonging: Jewish Politics in Cold War Brazil, 1930-1985
Directed by Stuart Schwartz and Gilbert Joseph
Ashanti Shih
Invasive Ecologies: Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai’i
Directed by Paul Sabin
Edwin W. Small Prize
Rachel Carson Prize for Best Dissertation, American Society for Environmental History
James Shinn
The Cuban Question: The Ten Years’ War and the Reconstruction of U.S. Foreign Policy,
Directed by David Blight
Directed by David Blight
Edwin W. Small Prize
Thuto Thipe
Black Freehold: Land Ownership in Alexandra Township, 1912-1979
Directed by Daniel Magaziner and Crystal Feimster
Award for Outstanding Research in the African Diaspora