May 23, 2021
Many of our outstanding, graduating History graduate students were awarded Yale and department prizes this academic year. See below for a list of prizes, awards, and acknowledgments. Congratulations to all of our exceptional students!
George Washington Egelston Historical Prize, awarded to a graduate or undergraduate research student who discovers new facts of importance for American history or reaches important new conclusions from existing data.
Snyder, Emily (director: Joseph): Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, and the United States in the Cold War Caribbean, 1979-1990
Hans Gatzke Prize is awarded upon the recommendation of the History Department of the outstanding dissertation or dissertations in a field of European history.
McCrudden, Kathleen (directors: Moyn, Rosenfeld): Fraternité, Liberté, Égalité: Sophie De Grouchy, Moral Republicanism, and the History of Liberalism, 1785-1815
Sakal, Ivgeniia (director: Bushkovitch): The Imported Church: European Ideas and Russian Religion in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century. The Case of the Eucharistic Controversy (1685-1690)
Edwin W. Small Prize, in memory of Edwin W. Small, B.A. 1930, M.A. 1934. Awarded in recognition and furtherance of outstanding work in the field of American history.
Snyder, Emily (director: Joseph): Entangled Revolutions: Cuba, Nicaragua, and the United States in the Cold War Caribbean, 1979-1990
Arthur and Mary Wright Prize is awarded upon the recommendation of the History Department for the outstanding dissertation or dissertations in the field of history outside the United States or Europe.
Lachaud, Emmanuel (director: Schwartz): The Emancipated Empire: Faustin I Souloque and the Origins of the Second Haitian Empire, 1847-1859
Mentanko, Joshua (director: Joseph): Developing Tradition: A History of Intercultural Health Governance in Mexico, 1940-2000