August 20, 2019
The Council for British Research in the Levant awarded the 2019 CBRL Prize Honourable Mention to Lauren Banko’s article, “A stranger from this homeland’: deportation and the ruin of lives and livelihoods during the Palestine Mandate” was recognised for its originality, empirical richness and compelling analysis of the impact of bordering policies on colonial citizenship and its denial in the context of British mandate Palestine.
The evaluating committee, made up of members of CBRL trustees and Contemporary Levant’s editorial board, selected the winning article for its multi-disciplinary relevance, the originality of the research and the impact of its arguments within the region and beyond.
Banko is a historian of the modern Arab Middle East, with a particular focus on the modern history of Palestine. She received her PhD in Near and Middle East History from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, in 2014. She is a Lecturer in the Department of History at Yale.