Daniel Judt

Daniel Judt's picture
Research interests: 

Modern U.S. history; labor history; intellectual history; history of capitalism; social theory; marxism


Daniel Judt is a PhD candidate in modern U.S. history, with a focus on social theory and the history of capitalism in the late twentieth century. His dissertation, provisionally titled Past Time: Leftwing Intellectuals and the Problem of Temporality, 1973-2008, examines leftwing debates about the nature of time and temporality under neoliberal capitalism.


Daniel received a BA in history from Yale in 2018 and an MPhil in political theory from Oxford in 2020. Prior to beginning his PhD, he worked as a political organizer with UNITE HERE Local 11, a hospitality-workers union in California and Arizona, where he helped to develop the Worker Power Leadership School, a workers’ education program for union members.