Emily Yankowitz

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Research interests: 

Early American history

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in early American history.  My research examines how early Americans understood the concept of citizenship from the Revolution to the 1840s. More broadly, I am interested in how political and cultural practices were used to define the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion with regard to “American” nationhood and identity. I am a research/editorial assistant for the Papers of Benjamin Franklin, a member of  The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History, and a Graduate Affiliate of Pierson College.
In 2018, I earned an M.Phil. in American History from the University of Cambridge, generously supported by the Paul Mellon Fellowship. My research examined the reintegration of loyalists after the American Revolution in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts and the implications of this process on state-level citizenship. In 2017, I received my B.A. in History from Yale College, graduating summa cum laude with honors.