Madeleine Ware
Histories of Medicine and Public Health; Gender and Sexuality; Reproductive Health; 19th and 20th-century Physical Culture and Fitness; Britain and Empire
Madeleine Ware is a Ph.D. candidate in the History of Science and Medicine at Yale University. She has published in Gender & History, The Journal for the Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science, and Nursing Clio on the understudied history of abortion in the US South and she remains committed to issues of reproductive health and justice in her scholarship. Madeleine’s dissertation (Clench and Release: Defining Healthy Womanhood through Pelvic Floor ‘Fitness,’ 1880-1950s,) traces the naissance and many afterlives of the 19th-century physical cultural movement in pelvic floor healthcare and gynecological medicine as well as in popular representations and lived experiences of physical fitness, body positivity, and social belonging.
Madeleine received a BA in History (2016), BS in Biology (2016), and MA in History (2019) from the College of Charleston.