Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson's picture
Research interests: 

Caribbean medical exchanges and conflicts; Enlightenment Atlantic; Experimentation; Ethnobotany; Material history & critical archival studies

Thomas Anderson is a Ph.D. student in the joint program in History of Science and Medicine (HSHM) and Early Modern Studies at Yale University who examines the history of human experimentation and pharmacology in the Francophone Caribbean. He is primarily interested in how experiments and episodes of torture with specific drugs and various other substances interacted with broader conceptualizations of the environment and theories of personhood to help produce and perpetuate notions of racial differentiation and hierarchy. Thomas pays special attention to how colonial experiences with poisons and diseases informed scientific and medical activity.
He has previously written on early modern scientific travel as well as the production of racial and ecological data in colonial Guadeloupe. Thomas received a Bachelor of Arts with honors in History and French and Francophone Studies from Hamilton College.