Tianna Mobley

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Tianna Mobley is a Ph.D. student in History. She is passionate about the study of race and slavery through methods of social and legal history in Latin America and the Caribbean during the early modern period. She previously attended Georgetown University where she earned a BA in History and a MA in Global, International, and Comparative History. Her MA capstone, “Legal Personalities of Early Modern Afro-Colombians in the Spanish Atlantic,” examined sixteenth-century legal texts from Cartagena de Indias. In her research, she aims to draw attention to how sociolegal analysis alongside the history of emotions and affective theory applied through the lenses of race and gender can reveal the lived experiences of Indigenous people and Afro-descended people throughout this region. Tianna’s work is also concerned with examining African and Indigenous people as cultural brokers and interlocutors, their uneven interactions with the law and institutions, ideas of legal consciousness, and the intermingling of various normativities throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.