Vanessa Ogle, who joined Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences this term as an associate professor of history, is one of two historians recently awarded a prestigious Max...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent the Russian army to reenact World War II in a grotesque, postmodern key. His “special operation” to “de-Nazify” Ukraine is an...
As Britain and France grapple with sweltering temperatures — possibly even record temperatures — for which their countries are ill-equipped, their privileged residents are...
Congratulations to our graduating History majors on their senior essay prizes! See below for a list of History and HSHM prize winners. And click here for the list of...
Many of our outstanding, graduating History graduate students were awarded Yale and department prizes this academic year. See below for a list of prizes, awards, and...
Sunil Amrith, professor of History at Yale University, will be awarded the Dr A.H. Heineken Prize for History 2022. The award honours his search for the historical origins of...
John M. Merriman, Charles Seymour Professor of History, died on May 22 after a long illness. He was 75.
Merriman was born in Battle Creek, Michigan on June 15, 1946 and...