
Email Fields of interest Research interests
George Levesque's picture George Levesque
Senior Associate Dean, Yale College; Dean of Academic Affairs, Yale College; Lecturer in History

18th & 19th century US cultural, intellectual, and religious history; history of American colleges & universities

Megann Licskai's picture Megann Licskai
Lecturer in History and HSHM

US & Canadian medical history; reproductive medicine & justice; gender, science, & medicine; feminist STS; emotions, science, & medicine; biopolitics; life, death & personhood; bodies & medicine in the media; health politics, activism, conservatism

Joanna Linzer's picture Joanna Linzer


Hannah Lloyd's picture Hannah Lloyd
Kenya Loudd's picture Kenya Loudd

The experiences of people of African descent within the United States and throughout the Diaspora at the nexus of race, disability, education and institutionalization

Nathan Low's picture Nathan Low
Oliver Lucier's picture Oliver Lucier

History of Climate Science; Global Environmental History; History of Ecology; History of Climate Change; Histories of Desertification, Biodiversity, and Agriculture

Mary Lui's picture Mary Lui
Professor of American Studies & History

Asian American history; US urban history; Race & ethnicity; Immigration, gender and sexuality

Benedito Machava's picture Benedito Machava
Assistant Professor

Colonial and Post-colonial Africa, Liberation Struggles, Decolonization, African Socialism, Carcerality, Culture and Politics in Lusophone Africa

Daniel Magaziner's picture Daniel Magaziner
Professor & DUS History

South Africa, modern Africa, religion, political thought, popular culture and the African Diaspora

Joseph Manning's picture Joseph Manning
William K. and Marilyn Milton Simpson Professor of Classics and History, Professor Yale School of the Environment, and Senior Research Scholar in Law

Ancient Greek history, especially Hellenistic history; eastern Mediterranean through the Roman period; ancient law, the ancient economy; Ancient Egyptian history; Ancient North African history

Ivan Marcus's picture Ivan Marcus
Frederick P. Rose Professor of Jewish History

History of the Jews in medieval Europe; History of Jewish culture; Jewish-Christian relations; Jewish mysticism & pietism; The Jews & Islam

Yasmina Martin's picture Yasmina Martin

African history, black internationalism, global Cold War, South Africa, Tanzania

Eleanor Martin's picture Eleanor Martin
Diana Martínez-Montes's picture Diana Martínez-Montes

20th century U.S. history, empire and immigration, urban history, carceral studies, undocumented studies