
Email Fields of interest Research interests
Hussein Fancy's picture Hussein Fancy
Associate Professor

Medieval European and Islamic History; Medieval Iberia and North Africa; Social History; Intellectual History; Economic History; Legal History; Latin and Arabic Paleography

John Faragher's picture John Faragher
Howard R. Lamar Prof Emeritus of History & American Studies, Director Howard R. Lamar Center

U.S.: United States frontier & western history; Native American borderlands; Native American history

Crystal Feimster's picture Crystal Feimster
Associate Professor African American Studies, American Studies and History

African American studies; racial and sexual violence

Michaela Feinberg's picture Michaela Feinberg
Sebastian Fernandez-Mulligan's picture Sebastian Fernandez-Mulligan

History of Math; History of Physical Sciences; Computing; Data and Algorithms

Sokeyra Francisco's picture Sokeyra Francisco
Paul Freedman's picture Paul Freedman
Chester D. Tripp Professor of History

Medieval European history

Joanne Freeman's picture Joanne Freeman
Class of 1954 Professor of American History and of American Studies

Revolutionary & Early National American history with special interest in politics & culture; Early American journalism & print culture

John Gaddis's picture John Gaddis
Robert A. Lovett Professor of Military & Naval History

Cold War history; Historical methodology; Biography; Grand Strategy

Beverly Gage's picture Beverly Gage
John Lewis Gaddis Professor of History

Gilded Age and 20th century; political history; government and political development; ideology and social movements (esp. conservatism and radicalism)

Puya Gerami's picture Puya Gerami
Glenda Gilmore's picture Glenda Gilmore
Peter V & C Vann Woodward Professor Emeritus of History

20th century United States history; African American history since 1865; U.S. women’s & gender history since 1865; History of the American South; Reform movements

Jay Gitlin's picture Jay Gitlin
Senior Lecturer History & Associate Director Howard R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers & Borders

United States social and cultural history (especially music related & popular culture); French North America and Canadian history; American colonial; Urban and Suburban history; Native American & American West

Kelly Goodman's picture Kelly Goodman
Bruce Gordon's picture Bruce Gordon
Titus Street Prof of Theology, Prof of Reformation Hist, Div Schl and History and Religious Studies

Late Medieval, Early Modern Religious History, Biography