Allen, Robert Vincent
The Legislative Commission of Catherine II
Furniss, Norman Francis
The Fundamentalist Controversy, 1918-1931
Gibson, II, Charles
History of Tlaxeata in the Sixteenth Century
Givan, Walker Forrest
The Politiques in the French Religious Wars (1580-1593)
Li, Tien-yi
Woodrow Wilson’s China Policy, 1913-1917
Pflanze, Jr., Otto Paul
The Internal Integration of Germany, 1867-1880
Philoon, Thurman Everett
The Early Economic and Commercial Development of Aigues-Mortes
Wiggin, Lewis Merriam
The Faction of Cousins: A Political Account of the Grenvilles, 1733-1763
Anthony, David Forsyth
The Administration of Hokkaido Under Kuroda Kiyotaka, 1870-1882
Dotson, Lillian Ota
The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895
Ferrell, Robert Hugh
The United States and the Origins of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
Gaines, William Louis
The Justice of the Peace in England, 1835-1888
Hanna, Jr., Archibald
New England Military Institutions: 1693-1750
Heald, Morrell
Business Attitudes Toward European Immigration, 1861-1914
Hirshler, Eric Ernest
Aspects of Freedom and Restraint During the Fourteenth Century (Cologne, Stausbourg, Frankfurt)
Lamar, Howard Roberts
Dakota Territory, 1861-1889; a Study of Frontier Politics
Law, Ernest Matthew
The Agricultural Experiment Station Movement in Connecticut, 1840-1900
Martin, T. R.
The Peace Settlement of 1783: Anglo-American Phase
Mays, Jr., Rayford Glynn
Bismarck’s Silent Partner: The Eastern Question in Bismarckian Diplomacy, 1862-1874
Richmond, III, Arthur Archibald
The United States and the Armed Neutrality of 1800
Schwartz, Jane (Mrs. Edward B. Benjamin)
Practisers in Princes Causes: Tudor Privy Councillors from 1540-1558
Bahlman, Dudley Ward Rhodes
The Movement for Reformation
Bastert, Russell Henry
The Origins of the first International American Conference
Crane, Fred Arthur
The Noble Savage in America, 1815-1860
Crane, Robert Irwin
The Indian National Congress and the Indian Agrarian Problem, 1918-1939
Davies, John Dunn
Prenology in America, 1820-1860
Ginsburg, Harvey Hillson
The Struggle for the control of Primary Education in The Netherlands, 1848-1917
Hamerow, Theodore Stephen
Social Conflict and Adjustment inthe German Revolution of 1848-49
Hine, Jr., Robert Van Norden
Utopian Colonies in California
Kaplan, Lawrence Samuel
Jefferson and France
Reynolds, James Aloysius
The Catholic Association of Ireland, 1823-1829
Roohan, Jr., James Edward
American Catholics and the Social Question, 1865-1900
Tholfsen, Trygve Rainone
Democracy in Birmingham, 1830-1867
Zeender, John Karl
The Center Party and the Growth of German National Power, 1890-1906
Barnes, Richard Storrs
German Influence on American Historical Studies, 1884-1914
Buchanan, II, Daniel Harvey
The Kingdom of Naples: 1650-1750
Curtis, Mark Hubert
Oxford and Cambridge in Transition: 1558-1642
Fisher, Richard Bernard
The Last Muckraker: The Social Orientation of the Thought of Upton Sinclair
Gordon, Jr., Harold Jackson
The Reichswehr and the German Republic, 1919-1926
Hitchcock, William Robertson
Rebellion of the Knights, 1555
Liddell, Jr., William Andrew
The Development of Science in the American Glass Industry, 1880-1940
Roberts, Frederick David
The Establishment of the Central Enspectorates
Rudolph, Jr., Charles Frederick
The Social and Intellectual History of Williams College
Weaver, Glenn
Jonathan Trumbull: Connecticut’s Merchant Magistrate
Bennett, Harry Louis
From Entente to Alliance: A History of the Entente Cordiale, 1904-1914
Cochrane, Jr., Eric William
The Tuscan Academiees in the Age of the Enlightenment
Davidson, John Wells
The Response of the South to Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom, 1912-1914
Divine, Robert Alexander
American Immigration Policy, 1924-1952
Ferguson, Alan Douglas
The Russian Military Settlements, 1810-1866
Gilmore, Robert Creighton
Connecticut and the Foundation of Vermont
Heye, Harold Eugene
The Communist Party of Germany, 1928-1930
Huntington, Frank Charles
The Ideology of the Action Francaise
Logan, Jr., John Arthur
The Origins of the No-Transfer Principle in American Democracy, 1775-1823
Mitchell, Jr., Rowland Lippincott
Social Legislation in Connecticut, 1919-1939
Olsen, Donald James
Private Town Planning: The Bedford and Foundling Estates in London During the Eighteenth Century and Nineteenth Century
Prelinger, Catherine Magill Holden
A Decade of Dissent in Germany
Wolfenden, James Watson
English Nonconformity and the Social Conscience, 1880-1906
Wray, Frank Junior
History in the Eyes of the Sixteenth Century Anabaptists
Brown, Richard Holbrook
Southern Planters and Plain Republicans of the North
Farnsworth, John Russell
History of Reversby Abbey, 1764-1820
Gordon, Nancy Morehouse
Anglo-German Trade Relations, 1840-1854
Riggs, John Beverley
The Acquisition of Foreign Archival Sources for American History to the Year 1949
Smith, Robert Arthur
Edmund Burke’s Crusade Against the French Revolution
Westfall, Richard Samuel
Christianity and the Virtuosi
Bernstein, Henry Traugott
Steamboats on the Ganges, 1828-1840
Gaisser, Charles Thomas
The Bourgeiois Regime and the French University, 1830-1848
Herlihy, David Joseph
Pisa, Economy and Society 1250-1300
Hutchison, William Robert
The Transcendentalists as Church Reformers
Jackson, Dorothy Belle
The Growth of an Industrial City, Birmingham, 1800-1851
Kennedy, Joan Elizabeth
The King’s Nonage: A Study of the Politics, Rule and Governanace of England During Royal Minorities, 1216-1551
Teall, John Leland
The Wheat Economy of the Byzantine Empire, 325-1025
Garside, Jr., Charles
The Singular Kingdom: Studies in Huldrych Zwingli’s Attitude Toward the Visual Arts and Music
Hane, Mikiso
English Liberalism and the Japanese Enlightenment, 1868-1890
Herbert, Eugenia Warren
French Artists and Social Reform 1800-1900
Friend, III, Theodore Wood
The Politics and Strategy of Philippine Independence, 1929-1936
Hunt, Richard Norman
The Internal Development of the German Social Democratic Party in the Weimar Republic
Irikura, James Kensuke
Trade and Diplomacy Between the Philippines and Japan, 1585-1623
Kintner, Philip L.
Studies in the Historical Writings of Sebastian Franck (1499-1542)
Stephan, Jr., Paul Brooke
Origins of the Sierra Leone Protectorate (1880-1900)
Tuttle, Peter Guertin
The Ford Peace Ship: Volunteer Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century
Collins, Robert Oakley
The Dervish Invasions of the Southern Sudan, 1883-1898
Dietel, William Moore
Puritanism vs. Anglicanism: A Study of Theological Controversy in Elizabethan England
Freeman, Herbert
The German Democratic Party
Kwok, Danny
Scientism in Chinese Though, 1900-1930:Study of Doctrinal Impact as Revealed by Wu Chih-Hui, Dh’en Tuhsiu, Hu Shih and as Seen in the Debate of 1923
Lauter, Beatric Brodsky
William C. Bullitt and the Soviet Union: The Education of a Diplomat
Liang, Hsi Huey
The Social Background of the Berlin Working-Class Movement, 1890-1914
Lubasz, Heinz Martin
The Body Politic of Kingdom: A Study of the Conceputal Origins of the Sovereignty of King-in-Parliament
Muldowny, John
The Administration of Jefferson Davis as Secretary of War
Schaefer, Ludwig Frederick
German Peace Strategy in 1918-1919
Wagar, Walter Warren
H.G. Wells as a Prophet of World Order, 1941-1946