Dissertations by year, 1980-1989


Baggaley, Philip Andrew

Reparations, Security, and the Industrial Disarmament of Germany:  Origins of the Potsdam Decisions

Bartlett, Beatrice S.

The Vermillion Brush:  The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision Making in Mid Ch’ing China

Bosley, Richard David

A History of the Veneration of SS. Theodosij and Antonij

Cheng, Pei-kai

Reality and Imagination:  Li Chih and T’ang Hsien-Tsu in Search of Authenticity

Gibbons, Henry Jerome

George Brandes:  The Making of an Aristocratic Radical

Herrera, Corina M.

The Ambiguous Reformation in the Territorial Cities of Upper Austria, 1520-1576:  Enns, Freistadt, Gmunden, Linz, Steyr, Vocklabruck and Wels

Hopper, John Alan

Xhosa-Colonial Relations, 1770-1803

Mallon, Florencia E.

The Poverty of Progress:  The Peasants of Yanamarca and the Development of Capitalism in Peru’s Central Highlands, 1860-1940

McLaughlin, R. Emmet

Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig (1489-1561):  Nobility and Religious Commitment–Crisis and Decision in the Early Reformation

Stroup, John

The Struggle for Identity in the Clerical Estate:  Northwest German Protestant Opposition to Absolutist Policy in the 18th Century

Von Arx, Jeffrey Paul

Preventive Progress:  A Study of the Relationship of Religion, Politics and the Historiography of Progress in the Work of Some Nineteenth Century British Historians

Weinstein, Barbara

Prosperity Without Development:  The Paraense Elite and the Amazon Rubber Boom, 1850-1920

Wilentz, Robert Sean

Class Conflict and the Rights of Man:  Artisans and the Rise of Labor Radicalism in New York City


Bienkowshi-Biskupski, Mieczyslaw B.

The United States and the Rebirth of Poland, 1914-1918

Burgess, William Francis

The Istpart Commission:  The Historical Department of the Russian Communist Party Central Committee, 1920-1928

Burns, Michael

Politics Face to Face:  Rural Reactions to Boulangism and the Dreyfus Affair in France, 1886-1900

Edelman, Eric Steven

Incremental Involvement:  Italy and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1948

Floyd, Jerry Lee

State Service, Social Mobility and the Imperial Russian Nobility, 1801-1856

Garon, Shedon Marc

Parties, Bureaucrats and Labor Policy in Prewar Japan, 1918-1931

Lieberman, Paula Lynn

V.A.Kokorev:  An Industrial Entrepreneur in Nineteenth-Century Russia

Patch, Jr., William L.

Christian Trade Unions in the Politics of the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933

Pflaumer, Walter Niell Sherrod

The Politics of Transport Policy–Nigeria, 1890-1914:  A Case Study of Economic Planning in the Colonial Period

Roth, Randolph A.

Whence This Strange Fire?:  Religious and Reform Movements in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791-1843

Spadafora, David

Recollection and Foresight:  The Idea of Progress in High Eighteenth-Century Britain


Baumann, Robert Fred

The Debates Over Universal Military Service in Russia, 1870-1874

Gay, Suzanne Marie

The Muromachi Bakufu in Medieval Kyoto

Hayes, Peter

The Gleichschaltung of IG Farben

Hosoya, Masahiro

Selected Aspects of the Zaibatsu Dissolution in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952:  The Thought and Behavior of Zaibatsu Leaders, Japanese Government Officials and SCAP Officials

Hsia, Ronnie P. C.

Between Reformation and Counter-Reformation:  Religion and Society in Muenster, 1535-1618

Jaffe, Lorna S.

British Policy towards Postwar German Disarmament, 1914-1919

Jones, David R.

The Origins of Civic Universities:  Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool

Kalman, Laura

From Realism to Pluralism:  Theory and Education at Yale Law, School, 1927-1960

Lestz, Michael Elliot

The Meaning of Revival:  The Kuomintang “New Right” Party Building in Republican China, 1925-1936

Pease, Neal H.

Poland, the United States and the Stabilization of Europe, 1925-1933

Sampoli, Fabio

Politics and Society in Revolutionary Arles: Chiffonists and Monnaidiers

White, Sharon Nancy

Mabel Loomis Todd:  Gender, Language, and Power in Victorian America

Williams, James Maddox

Athens without Democracy:  The Oligarchy of Phocion and the Tyranny of Demetrius of Phalerum, 322-307 B.C.

Worger, William H.

The Making of a Monopoly: Kimberley and the South African Diamond Industry, 1870-95


Ambler, Charles H.

Central Kenya in the Late Nineteenth Century: Small Communities in a Regional System

Besse, Susan Kent

Freedom and Bondage: The Impact of Capitalism on Women in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1917-1937

Coles, David

Humanism and the Bible in Renaissance Spain and Italy: Antonio de Nebrija (1441-1522)

Crossley, Pamela Kyle

“The Historical and Magic Unity”: The Real and Ideal Clan in Manchu Identity

Flocks, Sally Ann

“In the Hands of Others”:  The Development of Dependency by Richmond’s Manufacturers on Northern Financiers

Kang, Le

An Empire for a City:  Cultural Reforms of the Hsiao-Wen Emperor (A.D. 471-499)

Stacey, Robert C.

Crown Finance and English Government Under Henry III, 1236-1245

Steele, Valerie

Fashion and Eroticism:  The Changing Ideal of Feminine Beauty, 1868-1928

Tarasulo, Yitzhak

The Napoleonic Invasion of 1812 and the Political and Social Crisis in Russia

Von Glahn, Richard

The Country of Streams and Grottoes: Geography, Settlement, and Civilizing of China’s Southwestern Frontier, 1000-1250

Wagner, Marta

The American Scholar in the Early National Period: The Changing Context of College Education, 1782-1837

Wightman, Ann M.

From Caste to Class in the Andean Sierra: The Seventeenth-Century Forasteros of Cuzco

Withers, II, John L.

The Heavenly Capital: Nanjing Under the Taiping, 1853-1864

Withington, Ann

Morality and American Identity, 1774-1776: A Discussion of Article 8 of the Association of 1774


Bohman, Eric James

Rehearsals for Victory: The War Department and the Planning and Direction of Civil Affairs, 1940-1943

Landauer, Carl Hollis

The Survival of Antiquity: The German Years of the Warburg Institute

McGerr, Michael E.

The Decline of Popular Politics: Political Style and Participation in the North, 1865-1928

Selesky, Harold E.

Military Leadership in an American Colonial Society: Connecticut, 1635-1785

Townsend, Mary Lee

Language of the Forbidden: Popular Humor in Vormarz Berlin, 1819-1948

Villalon, L. J. Andrew

The Law’s Delay: The Anatomy of an Aristocratic Property Dispute (1350-1577)

Workman, Jr., John Sparks

Johann Eck (1486-1543): Historiographical Prolegomena and a Case Study in Pre-Tridentine Homiletics

Wylie, Diana

The Center Cannot Hold: The Decline of the Ngwato Chieftainship 1926-50

Zagarri, Rosemarie

The Emergence of the Extensive Republic: Representation in the United States, 1776 to 1812


Bernstein, Iver

The New York City Draft Riots of 1863 and Class Relations on the Eve of Industrial Capitalism

Blankenfeld, Barton John

Puritans in the Provinces: Banbury, Oxfordshire, 1554-1660

Coffin, Judith G.

Woman’s Place and Women’s Work in the Paris Clothing Trades, 1830-1914

Deutsch, Sarah

Culture, Class, and Gender: Chicanas and Chicanos in Colorado and New Mexico, 1900-1940

DeVault, Ileen A.

Sons and Daughters of Labor: Class and Clerical Work in Pittsburgh, 1870’s - 1910’s

French, John D.

Industrial Workers and the Origin of Populist Politics in the ABC Region of Greater Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1900-1950

Ginzberg, Lori D.

Women and the Work of Benevolence: Morality and Politics in the Northeastern United States, 1820-1885

Karras, Ruth Mazo

Slavery in Medieval Scandinavia

Kyriakos, Stephany

The Church and the Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia, 1857-1861

Monod, Paul Kleber

For the King to Enjoy His Own Again: Jacobite Political Culture in England, 1688-1788

Sandweiss, Martha A.

Laura Gilpin (1891-1979): Photographer of the American Southwest

Sherman, Daniel J.

Between State and City: Society, Cultural Politics and the French Provincial Art Museum in the Nineteenth Century

Thompson, Roger Roy

Visions of the Future, Realities of the Day: Local Administrative Reform, Electoral Politics, and Traditional Chinese Society on the Eve of the 1911 Revolution

Wilson, Kathleen

The Rejection of Deference: Urban Political Culture in England, 1715-1785

Wyatt, Victoria

Ethnic Identity and Active Choice: Foundations of Indian Strength in Southeast Alaska, 1867-1912


Arnesen, Eric

Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class and Politics, 1863-1923

Bajak, Curtis Warren

The Third Reich’s Corporation Law of 1937

Ballantine, Elizabeth

A.F. Koni and the Russian Judiciary 1864-1917

Baum, Robert Martin

A Religious and Social History of the Diola-Esulalu in Pre-Colonial Senegambia

Ladd, Brian

City Planning and Social Reform in Cologne, Frankfurt and Dusseldorf, 1866-1914

Nazzari, Muriel Smith

Women, The Family and Property: The Decline of the Dowry in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1600-1870)

Shell, Robert Carl-Heinz

Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1680 to 1731

Stewart, Richard Winship

Arms and Politics: The Supply of Arms in England, 1585-1625

Sweeney, Kevin Michael

River Gods and Related Minor Deities: The Williams Family and the Connecticut River Valley, 1637-1790


Bessant, Leonard Leslie

Coercive Development: Peasant Economy, Politics and Land in the Chiwesche Reserve, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1940-1966

Chen, Ruoshui

The Dawn of Neo-Confucionism: Lu Tsung-Yuan and the Intellectual Changes in T’ang China, 733-819

Greenberg, Karen J.

The Mentor Within: The German Refugee Scholars of the Nazi Period and Their American Context

Harsh, Donna Teresa

The Response of German Social Democracy to the Rise of National Socialism, 1928-1933

Hauf, Kandice Jo

The Jiangyou Group: Culture and Society in Sixteenth Century China

Higgins, Kathleen Joan

The Slave Society in Eighteenth-Century Sabara: A Community Study in Colonial Brazil

Hirsch, Adam Jay

From Pillory to Penitentiary: The Rise of Criminal Incarceration in the New Republic

Lang, Timothy

The Debate of the Stuarts in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Lieberman, Lisa Jo

Une Maladie Epidemique: Suicide and Its Implications in Nineteenth-Century France

Micale, Mark Stephen

Diagnostic Discriminations: Jean-Martin Charcot and the Nineteenth-Century Idea of Masculine Hysterical Neurosis

Ramsbottom, John David

Puritan Dissenters and English Churches, 1630-1690

Ramsbottom, Mary Macmanus

Religious Society and the Family in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1630-1740

Reeding, Sean

The Making of a South African Town: Social and Economic Change in Umtata, 1870-1950

Waley-Cohen, Joanna
The Stranger Paths of Banishment: Exile to the Xinjiang Frontier in Mid-Qing China


Albers, Jan Maria

Seeds of Contention: Society, Politics and the Church of England in Lancashire, 1689-1790

Becker, Marjorie Ruth

Lazaro Cardenas and the Mexican Counter-Revolution: The Struggle over Culture in Michoacan, 1934-1940

Berat, Lynn

Walvis Bay and the Decolonization of International Law

Clark, Nancy L.

From Dependence to Defiance: South African State Corporations, 1920-1960

Gould, Jeffrey L.

To Lead as Equals: Rural Protest and Political Consciousness in Chinandega, Nicaragua, 1912-1979

Meye, Elizabeth Anne

Literacy, Literate Practice, and the Law in the Roman Empire, A.D. 100-600

Pomeranz, Kenneth Leonard

The Making of a Hinterland: State, Society and Economy in Inland North China, 1900-1937

Raga, Adriana Beatriz

Workers, Neighbors and Citizens: A Study of an Argentine Industrial Town, 1930-1950

Thomas, Hugh Moody

Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders and Thugs: The Knightly Class of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216

Wang, Xinyang

Tradition, Assimilation and Response to Homelands Politics: A Comparative Study of Italian and Chinese Immigrants in New York City, 1890-1965


Chauncey, George

Gay New York: Urban Culture and the Making of a Gay Male World, 1890-1940

Dodgen, Randall Allen

Controlling the Dragon: Confucian Engineers and the Yellow River in the late Daoguang, 1835-1850

Glickstein, Jonathan A.

Concepts of Free Labor in Antebellum America

Goldstein, Daniel

Midwestern Naturalists: Academies of Science in the Mississippi Valley, 1850-1900

Kircher, Timothy

Luther’s Conception of Language: Forms of Religious Expression in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe

Kunz, Diane B.

The Economic Diplomacy of the Suez Crisis

McIntosh, Terence Vaughn

Schwabisch Hall, 1650-1750: Urban Social and Economic Life in Southeast Germany After the Thirty Years’ War