Dissertations by year, 1990-1999


Burds, Jeffrey

Patterns of Change in the Central Russian Village: Community Relations and the Market Economy, 1840-1914


Byler, Charles Alexander

Trial by Congress: The Controversy Over the Powers and Procedures of Congressional Investigations, 1945-1952


Ch’en, Kuo-Tung Anthony

The Insolvency of the Chinese Hong Merchants, 1760-1843


Cornell, John Shanner

When Science Entered the Soul: German Psychology and Religion, 1890-1914


Cronon, William

Nature’s Metropolis:  Chicago and the Great West


Egloff, Carol S.

Settlement and Kingship: The Army, the Gentry, and the Offer of the Crown to Oliver Cromwell


Greene, Julia Marie

The Strike at the Ballot Box: Politics and Partisanship in the Atlanta Federation of Labor, 1881-1916


Hunter, Tera W.

Household Workers in the Making: Afro-American Women in Atlanta and the New South, 1861 to 1920


Kunzel, Regina G.

The Professionalization of Benevolence: Evangelicals, Social Workers, and Unmarried Mothers, 1890 to 1945


Lee, Tahirih

Law and Local Autonomy at the International Mixed Court of Shanghai


Lilly, Carol Susan

Partisan Persuasions: Communist Ideology and the Transformation of Yugoslave Culture


Luebke, David Martin

Community and the Politics of Discord: A Case-Study of Peasant Rebellion in Early Modern Germany


Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F.

The Cause of the West: Protestant Home Missions in


Margolf, Diane Claire

The Paris Chambre de l’Edit: Protestant, Catholic and Royal Justice in Early Modern France


Meaders, Daniel

Fugitive Slaves and Indentured Servants Before 1800


Mitchell, Michael George

Heretici Comburantur: An Inquiry into the Reasons for Burning the Heretics in France and in the Empire in the Eleventh and the Twelfth Centuries


Nishizaki, Fumiko

From Collaboration to Deterrence: The United States, the United Nations and the Cold War, 1945-50


O’Brien, Jr., Bruce Roland

Studies of the `Leges Edwardi Confessories’ and Their Millieu


Sawislak, Karen Lynn

Smoldering City: Class, Ethnicity, and Politics in Chicago at the Time of the Great Fire, 1867-1874


Smith, Kevin Edgar

The Causes and Consequences of Dependence: British Merchant Shipping and Anglo-American Relations, 1940-1943


Stanley, Amy Dru

Contract Rights in the Age of Emancipation: Wage Labor and Marriage After the Civil War


Stevenson, Brenda

“All My Cherished Ones”: Marriage and Family in Antebellum Virginia


Takayama, Hiroshi

Exploring a Medieval Kingdom of Mystery: The Norman Kingdom of Sicily and its Administration


Behre, Patricia Elizabeth

Religion and the Central State in Metz, 1633-1700


Dietle, Robert Lee

Salvaging the Everyday:  The Bon Bourgeois of Paris


Ferrell, Lori Anne

Sermons at the Jacobean Court, 1603-1625


Feske, III, Victor Hugo

Public History and the Crisis of British Liberalism, 1900-1929


Huginnie, Andrea

“Strikitos”: Race, Class, and Work in the Arizona Copper Industry, 1870-1920


Hunter, Judith Amanda

Before Pluralism: The Political Culture of Nativism in Antebellum Philadelphia


Jenkins, Thomas Ellsworth

The Character of God in American Theology: 1800-1900


Kutcher, Norman Alan

Death and Mourning in China, 1550-1800


Lendon, J. E.

Perceptions of Prestige and the Working of Roman Imperial Government

Letwin, Daniel Lazar

Race, Class, and Industrialization in the New South: Black and White Coal Miners in the Birmingham District of Alabama, 1878-1897


Maarbjerg, John P.

The Integration of Scandinavia into the European “World-Economy” ca.1500-ca. 1625: Some Local Evidence


Man-Cheong, Iona Doling

Class of 1761: The Politics of a Metropolitan Examinations


Mooney, Catherine M.

Women’s Visions, Men’s Worlds: The Portrayal of Holy Women Men in Fourteenth-Century Italian Hagiography


O’Melinn, Liam Seamus

The English West Indies and the English Civil War


Pereboom, Maarten Lucas

Democracies at the Turning Point: Perceptions of European Crisis in Britain and France, 1928-1933


Pinto-Vellajos, Julio

A Desert Cradle: State, Foreign Entrepreneurs, and Workers in Chile’s Early Nitrate Age Tarapaca, 1870-1890


Shapiro, Karin Adrienne

The Tennessee Coal Miners’ Revolts of 1891-92: Industrialization, Politics, and Convict Labor in the late Nineteenth-Century South


Smith, Helmut Walser

Nationalism and Religious Conflict in Imperial Germany, 1887-1914


Tiersten, Lisa S.

Sisterhood of Shoppers: Bourgeois Women and Consumer Culture in Late Nineteenth-Century Paris


Zhou, Wanyao

The Kominka Movement: Taiwan under Wartime Japan, 1937-1945


Caferro, William Pat

The “Companies of Adventure” and the Decline of Siena: A Study of the Impact of Mercenary Bands on a Fourteenth Century Italian Commune


Douglas, Davison M.

Changing Times: The Desegregation of the Charlotte Schools, 1954-1975


Fitzpatrick, Tara Kathryn

“Women’s Work”: Self-Sacrifice, Republicanism, and the Character of American Women, 1682-1920


Gilpin, Toni

Left by Themselves: A History of the United Farm Equipment and Metal Workers Union 1938-1955

Godshalk, David Fort

In the Wake of Riot:  Atlanta’s Struggle for Order, 1899-1919


Herrmann, David Gaius

Armies and the Balance of Military Power in Europe, 1904-1914


Jackson, Richard Paul

Ma Misi Me per l’Alto Mare Aperto”: Mediterranean Seamen During the Medieval Commercial Revolution


Kellow, Margaret Mary Rivers

“Duties are Ours”: A Life of Lydia Maria Child, 1802-1880


Mason, John Edwin

“Fit for Freedom”: The Slaves, Slavery, and Emancipation in the Cape Country, South Africa, 1806 to 1842


Moss, David A.

The Political Economy of Insecurity: The American Association for Labor Legislation and the Crusade for Social Welfare Reform in the Progressive Era


Nilan, Kathleen Mary

Incarcerating Children: Prison Reformers, Children’s Prisons, and Child Prisoners in July Monarchy France


Oldenziel, Ruth

Gender and the Meanings of Technology: Engineering in the United States, 1880-1945


Pabel, Hilmar M.

Prayer in Erasmus’ Pastoral Ministry Through the Printing Press


Vital, Adam Elie

Patriotic Anarchism:  The Case of Italy 1860-1882


Wawro, Geoffrey Dwight Winslow

The Austro-Prussian War: Politics, Strategy and War in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1859-1866


Wenger, Beth S.

Ethnic Community in Economic Crisis: New York Jews and the Great Depression


Aisenberg, Andrew Robert

Contagious Diseases and the Government of Paris in the Age of Pasteur


Bay, Mia

The White Image in the Black Mind: African-American Ideas About White People, 1830-1925


Boeira, Nelson

Comte in Exile: The Origins of Political Positivism in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1860-1891


Boonin-Vail, Martha Clara

New Wine in Old Bottles: Anglo-Catholicism in the United States, 1840-1919


Crago, Laura Ann

Nationalism, Religion, Citizenship, and Work in the Development of the Polish Working Class and the Polish Trade Union Movement, 1815-1929: A Comparative Study of Russian Poland’s Textile Workers and Upper Silesian Miners and Metalworkers


Dickinson, Frederick Richard

World War I and Japan: The Dissipation of Consensual Continentalism, 1914-1919


Drayton, Richard Harry

Imperial Science and a Scientific Empire: Kew Gardens and the Uses of Nature, 1772-1903


Fineman, Daniel Mark

The United States and Military Government in Thailand, 1947-1958


Fox, Martyna Agata

The Eastern Question in Russian Politics: Interplay of Diplomacy, Opinion and Interest, 1905-1917


Fox, Michael S.

The Higher Party Schools: Education, Politics and the Transformation of Intellectual Life in the Soviet Union, 1921-1929


Higgs, Catherine

The Ghost of Equality: D.D.T. Jabavu and the Decline of South African Liberalism, 1885-1959


Hinks, Peter P.

“we must and shall be free”: David Walker, Evangelicalism, and the Problem of Antebellum Black Resistance


Hinton, Robert

Cotton Culture on the Tar River: The Politics of Agricultural Labor in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1862-1902


Hitchcock, William Ingersoll

The Challenge of Recovery: The Politics and Diplomacy of Reconstruction in France, 1945-1952


Johnson, Susan Lee

“The Gold She Gathered”: Difference, Domination, and California’s Southern Mines, 1848-1852


Kamensky, Jane Niell

Governing the Tongue: Speech and Society in Early New England


Klubock, Thomas Miller

Class, Community, and Gender in the Chilean Copper Mines: The El Teniente Miners and Working-Class Politics, 1904-1951


Kooi, Christine Jane

The Reformed Community of Leiden, 1572-1620


Logevall, Fredrik Bengt Johan

Fear to Negotiate: Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War, 1963-1965


Moglen, Eben

Settling the Law: Legal Development in New York, 1664-1776


Montoya, Maria Elaine

Dispossessed People: Settler Resistance on the Maxwell Land Grant, 1860-1901


Plott, Michele Suzanne

Marriage, Divorce, and Women’s Place in French Society, 1860-1914


Potter, Cathy Jean

The Russian Church and the Politics of Reform in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century


Renda, Mary Angela

“This American Africa”: Cultural Dimensions of U.S. Imperialism in Haiti, 1915 1940


Sheriff, Carol

The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradoxes of Progress, 1817-1862


Standley, Anne Prince

Alexander Bickel, Charles Black, and the Ambiguous Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education:  Competing Conceptions of Law, Justice and Democracy Within Post-War Legal Thought


Stuart, Kathleen Elizabeth

Boundaries of Honor - “Dishonarable People” in Augsburg, 1500-1800


Szpilman, Chirstopher W. A.

The Politics of Cultural Conservatism: The National Foundation Society in the Struggle Against Foreign Ideas in Prewar Japan, 1918-1936


Varon, Elizabeth R.

“We Mean to be Counted”: White Women and Politics in Antebellum Virginia


Warren, Louis Samuel

The Hunter’s Game: Poachers, Conservationists, and Twentieth-Century America


Weddle, Meredith Baldwin

Walking in the Way of Peace: Quaker Pacifism in the Seventeenth Century


Wu, Chan-liang

Western Rationalism and the Chinese Mind: Counter-Enlightenment and Philosophy of Life in China, 1915-1927


Dorsey, John Luke Kurkpatrick

Diplomats and Vertebrates: U.S.-Canadian Wildlife Protection Treaties in the Progressive Era


Forbes, Robert Pierce

Slavery and the Meaning of America, 1819-1833


Gao, Zheng

Paving a Way to Eldorado: Roads, Railways, and Political Economy in Matabeleland, 1888-1914


Greenwald, Emily

Allotment in Severalty: Decision-Making During the Dawes Act Era on the Nez Perce, Jicarilla Apache, and Cheyenne River Sioux Reservations


Huston, John Reeve

Land and Freedom:  The Anti-Rent Wars, Jacksonian Politics, and the Contest over Free Labor in New York, 1785-1865


Johnson, H. Clark

The Gold Standard, France, and the Coming of the Depression, 1919-1932


Kay, Carolyn H.

Educating the Bourgeoisie: Alfred Lichtwark and Modern Art in Hamburg, 1886-1914


McClain, Molly A.

`I Scorn to Change or Fear’: Henry Somerset, First Duke of Beaufort, and the Survival of the Nobility Following the English Civil War


McIssac, Mary Lee

The Limits of Chinese Nationalism: Workers in Wartime Chongqing, 1937-1945


Murray, Sylvie

Suburban Citizens: Domesticity and Community Politics in Queens, New York, 1945-1960


Peck, Gunther William

Reinventing Free Labor: Immigrant Padrones and Contract Laborers in North America, 1880-1920


Shevzov, Vera

Popular Orthodoxy in Late Imperial Rural Russia


Shibayama, Futoshi

Coping with the Anglo-American World Order: Japanese Intellectuals and the Cultural Crises of 1913-1953


Stoll, Steven

The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Horticulture and the Industrial Countryside in California


Allen, Paul C.

The Strategy of Peace: Spanish Foreign Policy and the ‘Pax Hispanica’, 1598-1609


Auerbach, Jeffrey Aaron

Exhibiting the Nation: British National Identity and the Great Exhibition of 1851


Balleisen, Edward J.

Navigating Failure:  Bankruptcy in Antebellum America


Baum, David Elton

Biography, Ethics, and Rhetoric: Plutarch in Quattrocento Italy


Biddle, Tami Davis

Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas about Strategic Bombing, 1917-1945


Blackwood, William Lee

Socialism, Nationalism, and `the German Question’ from World War I to Locarno and Beyond


Caudle, James J.

Measures of Allegiance: Sermon Culture and the Creation of a Public Discourse of Obedience and Resistance in Georgian Britain, 1714-1760


Dowling, Matthew James

The Evolution of a Modern Pilgrimage:  Lisieux, 1897-1939


Elkin, Deborah Sue

Labor and the Left: The Limits of Acceptable Dissent at Yale University, 1920’s to 1950s


Haag, Pamela Susan

A History of the Private Self: Sexual Freedom, Sexual Violence and Individual Rights in Modern American Culture


Hermes, Katherine A.

Religion and Law in Colonial New England, 1620-1730


Hoganson, Kristin Lee

The “Manly” Ideal of Politics and the Imperialist Impulse: Gender, U. S. Political Culture, and the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars


Holloway, Jonathan Scott

Confronting the Veil: New Deal African American Intellectuals and the Evolution of a Radical Voice


Jensen, Robert Geoffrey

Intellectual Foundations of Dictatorship: Spanish Military Writers and Their Quest for Cultural Regeneration, 1898-1923


Kagan, Frederick Walter

Reform for Survival: Russian Military Policy and Conservative Reform, 1825-1836


Kuefler, Matthew Stephen

Eunuchs and Other Men: The Crisis and Transformation of Masculinity in the Later Roman West


Liang, Kan

Chinese Intellectuals in the War:  Chongqing, 1937-1945


Mattern, Susan P.

Roman Foreign Relations from Augustus to the Severans


Miller, Paul Brian

From Revolutionaries to Citizens: Anti-militarism in France, 1870-1914


Ponichtera, Robert Michael

The Role of the Army in the Rebuilding of Polish Statehood, 1918-1921


Ruland, Heather R.

A Small Player in a Big Game: New Zealand, the League of Nations, and Collective Security, 1936-1939


Salomon-Arel, Maria

The Muscovy Company in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century: Trade and Position in the Russian State - A Reassessment


Savage, Barbara Dianne

Broadcasting Freedom: Radio, War, and the Roots of Civil Rights Liberalism, 1938-1948


Seidman, Rachel Filene

Beyond Sacrifice: Women and Politics on the Pennsylvania Homefront During the Civil War


Smallman, Shawn Christian

The Parting of the Waters: The Brazilian Army and Society, 1889-1954


Stone, Paul Clois

J. Frank Dobie and the American Folklore Movement: A Reappraisal


Vakil, Cyrus Manek

The Cultural Politics of British Anti-Commercialism and Political Economy, c. 1823-1873


Weinburg, Carl

The Tug of War: Labor Loyalty and Rebellion in the Southwestern Illinois Coalfields, 1914-1920


Wilf, Steven Robert

Imagining Justice: Politics, Storytelling, and Criminal Law in Revolutionary America 1763-1792


Barczewski, Stephanie L.

“Nations Make Their Own Gods and Heroes”: The Legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood in British Political Culture, 1789-1901


Carton, Benedict

“Blood from your Sons:” African Generational Conflict in Natal and Zululand, South Africa, 1880-1910


Cavanagh, Joan Margaret

You Can’t Kill the Golden Goose: A History of General Dynamics’ Electric Boat Shipyard in Twentieth Century New London County, Connecticut


Cutler, Blayne Hillary

When Women Became Peers: A Century’s Struggle for Equal Jury Access in America, 1870-1975


David-Fox, Katherine

The 1890s Generation: Modernism and National Identity in Czech Culture, 1890-1900


Dean, Jr., Eric Thomas

In Evident Mental Commotion:  Post-Traumatic Stress and the American Civil War


Dittmar, Katherine Kelley

Conceptions of Children in Early Medieval Society


Dunch, Ryan F.

Piety, Patriotism, Progress: Chinese Protestants in Fuzhou Society and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927


Eglin, John Arthur

Venice in the British Political Imagination, 1660-1797


Garfield, Seth

“Civilized” but Discontent: The Xavante Indians and Government Policy in Brazil, 1937-1988

Habeck, Mary Ruth

Imagining War: The Development of Armored Doctrine in Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919-1939


Hall, Jennifer Lee

The Re-fashioning of Fashionable Society: Opera-going and Sociability in Britain, 1821-1861


Hoffman-Strock, Martha K.

“Carved on Rings and Painted in Pictures”: The Education and Formation of the Spanish Royal Family, 1601-1634


Hsu, Madeline Yuan-yin

“Living Abroad and Faring Well”: Migration and Transnationalism in Taishan County, Guangdong, 1904-1939


Kreike, Emmanuel H. P.

Recreating Eden: Agro-Ecological Change, Food Security and Environmental Diversity in Southern Angola and Northern Namibia, 1890-1960


Lyons, Clare Anna

Sex Among the “Rabble”: Gender Transitions in the Age of Revolution, Philadelphia, 1750-1830


Mahoney, Mary Ann

The World Cacao Made: Society, Politics, and History in Southern Bahia, Brazil, 1822-1919


McElroy, Sarah Coles

Transforming China through Education: Yan Xiu, Zhang Boling, and the Effort to Build a New School System, 1901-1927


Mitchell, Laura Lynn

Fugitive Slaves, Northern Protestant Clergymen, and the Bible in the Decade before the Civil War


Rogaski, Ruth

From Protecting the Body to Defending the Nation: The Emergence of Public Health in Tianjin, 1859-1953


Rozario, Kevin L.

Nature’s Evil Dreams: Disaster and America, 1871-1906


Schlager, Bernard Sloan

All Israel Will Be Saved: The Jewish Mission in Medieval Christianity


Schwartzberg, Steven J.

The Civility of Yankee Imperialism: Democracy and American Policy in Latin America in the Truman Years


Smith, Bruce Philip

Circumventing the Jury: Petty Crime and Summary Jurisdiction in London and New York City, 1790-1855


Steinbach, Susie L.

Promises Promises:  Not Marrying in England, 1780-1920

Tannenbaum, Rebecca J.

Women’s Calling: Women’s Medical Practice in New England, 1650-1750


Tinsman, Heidi Elizabeth

Unequal Uplift: The Sexual Politics of Gender, Work, and Community in the Chilean Agrarian Reform, 1950-1973


Williamson, George Samuel

The Longing for Myth in Germany: Culture, Religion, and Politics, 1790-1878


Bonner, Robert E.

Americans Apart: Nationality in the Slaveholding South


Butler, Leslie

The Mugwump Dilemma: Democracy and Cultural Authority in Victorian America


Connelly, Matthew James

The Algerian War for Independence: An International History


DePastino, Todd Allan

From Hobohemia to Skid Row: Homelessness and American Culture, 1870-1950


Foos, Paul W.

Mexican Wars: Soldiers and Society in an Age of Expansion, 1835-1855


Frith, James Aaron

The Manger of the Movement: Atlanta and the Black Freedom Struggle, 1890-1950


Imlay, Talbot Charles

How to Win a War?: Strategy, Domestic Politics, and the Political Economy in France and Britain, 1938-40


Jacoby, Karl Haywood

The Recreation of Nature: A Social and Environmental History of American Conservation, 1872-1919


Jukic, Paul Ivan

Uncommon Cause: The Soviet Union and the Rise of Tito’s Yugoslavia, 1941-1945


Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh

Frontier Fictions: Land, Culture, and Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804-1946


Lavery, Jason Edward

The Holy Roman Empire and the Danish-Swedish Rivalry, 1563-1576


Maulucci, Thomas Wayne

The Creation and Early History of the West German Foreign Office, 1945-55


McDainel, Laura

“Jumping the Dragon Gate”: Social Mobility Among Storytellers in Shanghai, 1849-1949


McMahon, Darrin M.

Enemies of the Enlightenment: Anti-philosophes and the Birth of the French Far Right, 1778-1830


Posner, David Braden

Afro-America in West German Perspective, 1945-1966


Prelec, Marko

The Origins of Yugoslav Revolutionary Politics: The Nationalist Youth among the Habsburg South Slavs, 1908-14


Salerno, Reynolds Mathewson

The Mediterranean Triangle: Britain, France, Italy and the Origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940


Schimmelpenninck, David Hendrik

Ex Oriente Lux: Ideologies of Empire and Russia’s Far East, 1895-1904


Stone, David Russell

The Red Army and Stalin’s Revolution: Defense Industry and the Transformation of the Soviet Economy, 1926-33


Tomljanovich, William Brooks

Bishop Josop Juraj Strossmayer: Nationalism and Modern Catholicism in Croatia


Truett, Samuel Jefferson

Neighbors by Nature: The Transformation of Land and Life in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1854-1910


Vick, Brian Eric

Conceptions of Nationhood among the 1848-1849 Frankfurt Parliamentarians


Adkins, Judith Maureen

Bodies and Boundaries: Animals in the Early American Experience


Allgor, Catherine A.

Political Parties: Society and Politics in Washington City, 1800-1832


Blyden, Nemata Amelia

In Her Majesty’s Service: West Indians in British Colonial Government, Sierra Leone, 1808-1880:  Race, Class and Ethnicity in a British West African Colony


Carroll, Peter

Between Heaven and Modernity: The Late Qing and Early Republic (Re)Construction of Suchou Urban Space


Carter, James H.

Nationalism in an International City: Creating a Chinese Harbin, 1916-1932


Casas, Maria Raquel

“In Consideration of His Being Married to a Daughter of the Land”: Interethnic Marriages in Alta California, 1825-1875


Cheng, Eileen Ka-May

American Historical Thought and the American Revolution, 1784-1850


D’Aoust, Ian Lawrence

The Idea of Barbarism in the American Mind: Progress, Liberty, and the American Indians, 1750-1835


Devlin, Rachel J.

Their Fathers’ Daughters: Female Adolescence and the Problem of Sexual Authority in America, 1941-1965


Gardiner, Nile Taro

Sentinels of Empire: The British Colonial Administrative Service, 1919-1954


Giersch, Charles Patterson

Qing China’s Reluctant Subjects: Indigenous Communities and Empire Along the Yunnan Frontier


Green, Adam Paul

Selling the Race: Cultural Production and Notions of Community in Black Chicago, 1940-1955


Griggs, Burke William

The Memory of Rebellion and Civil War in British Political Argument, 1646-1721


Hill, Emily Bowersock

American Intellectuals and International Politics in the Interwar Years


Jacobson, Andrew Neil

“the pageant swift and free”: The State and Public Representation in London and Paris, 1799-1830


Jurdi, Rula Anis

Migration and Social Change: The ‘Ulama of Ottoman Jabal’ Amil in Safavid Iran, 1501-1736


Lawrence, Mark Atwood

Selling Vietnam: The European Colonial Powers and the Origins American Commitment to Vietnam, 1944-1950


Liazos, Theodore Christos

Big Labor: George Meany and the Making of the AFL-CIO, 1894-1955


Lowe, Christopher C.

Swaziland’s Colonial Politics: The Decline of Progressivist South African Nationalism and the Emergence of Swazi Political Traditionalism, 1910-1939


Miller, Gary Michael

The Lutheran State Church of Mecklenburg, 1549-1621


Miller, Kathryn A.

Guardians of Islam: Muslim Communities in Medieval Aragon


Orona, Kenneth M.

River of Culture, River of Power: Identity, Modernism and Contest in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, 1848-1947


Price, Jennifer Jaye

Flight Maps: Encounters with Nature in Modern American Culture


Ross, Richard J.

The Commoning of the Common Law: Print, Memory, and the Intellectual History of Legal Communications, 1520-1640


Sarotte, Mary Elise

The East German Ruling Regime and the Ostpolitik in the Context of Superpower Détente, 1969-1973


Selvage, Douglas E.

Poland, the German Democratic Republic and the German Question, 1955-1957


Siegel, Jennifer

“Peaceful Penetration Under Arms”: Anglo-Russian Relations in Central Asia, 1907-1914


Sylvester, Roshanna Patricia

Crime, Masquerade, & Anxiety: The Public Creation of Middle-Class Identity in Pre-Revolutionary Odessa, 1912-1916


Van Allen, Elizabeth J.

Poverty and Power: Social Welfare and Private Charity in Potiers, France, 1820-1848


Wheeler, Kenneth G.

Shen Jiaben (1840-1913): Toward a Reformation of Chinese Criminal Justice


Wu, Yi-Li

Transmitted Secrets: The Doctors of the Lower Yangzi Region and Popular Gynecology in Late Imperial China


Ahonen, Pertti Tapio

The Expellee Organization and West German Ostopolitik, 1949-1969


Ahr, Johan

Peddlers and Politics in the Second French Republic


Bernardsson, Magnus Thorkell

Reclaiming a Plundered Past: Archaeology and Nationalism in Modern Iraq, 1808-1941


Bromund, Theodore Richard

From Empire to Europe: Material Interests, National Identities, and British Policies Toward European Integration, 1956-1963


Cohen, Daniel Jared

Symbols of Heaven, Symbols of Man: Pure Mathematics and Victorian Religion


Davis, Stacey Renee

Transforming the Enemy: Algerian Colonization, Imperial Clemency and the Rehabilitation of France’s 1851 Republican Insurrectionaries

Erwin, Robert Guy

The Passion and Death of Christ in the Piety and Theology of the Later Middle Ages and Martin Luther


Fenn, Elizabeth Anne

Pox Americana: The Great American Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-1783


Fielding, Jeremy Richard

The Currency of Power: Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy and the Making of British Foreign Policy, 1964-1968


Galvao-Sobrinho, Carlos Roberto

The Rise of the Christian Bishop: Ideology and Power in the Late Roman Empire, A.D. 318-380


Grandin, Greg

The Blood of Guatemala: The Making of Race and Nation, 1750-1954


Gray, William Glenn

The Hallstein Doctrine: West Germany’s Global Campaign to Isolate East Germany, 1949-1969


Kabaservice, Geoffrey Mark

Kingman Brewster and the Rise and Fall of the Progressive Establishment


Kim, Stephen Jin-Woo

The Carrot and the Leash: Eisenhower, Syngman Rhee, and the Dual Containment of Korea


Koistinen, David Joshua

Dealing with Deindustrialization: Economics, Politics, and Policy During the Decline of the New England Textile Industry, 1920-1960


Lowry, John Sheppard

Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance and German Domestic Politics: The Case of the Center Party, 1897-1906


Madway, Lorraine Margaret

Majesty and Mockery: Representations of Royal Power in the Reign of Charles II, 1660-1685


McCann, Bryan D.

Thin Air and Solid State: Radio, Culture and Politics in Brazil’s Vargas Era


Paton, Diana

No Bond by the Law: Punishment and Justice in Jamaica’s Age of Emancipation, 1780-1870


Ramos, Raul Alberto

From Norteno to Tejano: The Roots of Borderlands Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Political Identity in Bexar, 1811-1861


Rubin, Michael

The Formation of Modern Iran, 1858-1909: Communications, Telegraph and Society


Samellas, Antigone

Funerary Rituals and Attitudes toward Death in the Eastern Mediterranean (50-600 A.D.)


Spock, Jeinnifer Baylee

The Solovki Monastery 1460-1645: Piety and Patronage in the Early Modern Russian North


Tagliacozzo, Eric

Secret Trades of the Straits: Smuggling and State-Formation along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1870-1910

Walcher, Heidi A.

In the Shadow of the King: Politics and Society in Qajar Isfahan, 1874-1907


Yamamoto, Genzo

Defending Japanese Civilization and Civilizing Mission in Asia: The Resilience and Triumph of Illiberalism in the House of Peers, 1919-1934


Yaqub, Salim Clyde

Containing Arab Nationalism:  The United States, the Arab Middle East, and the Eisenhower Doctrine, 1956-1959